Monday, January 4, 2016


It's taken me awhile to settle on my One Word for the year. If you've not heard of this, I suggest checking out One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon, or search #oneword on Twitter. Instead of lofty New Year's Resolutions, One Word helps you narrow your focus to one single word for the year. 

My word for 2016 is Limitless! I decided to wait on deciding my One Word until after my Pastor unveiled our church's vision for the new year. Similar to One Word, our church has a new focus or direction for each new year. This year we are "Going Beyond" our highest prayers, thoughts, and dreams because we believe that with God there are no limits (Ephesians 3:20). 

President Ronald Reagan also had something to say about this. "There are no such limits to growth, because there are no limits to human capacity for intelligence, imagination, and wonder." I also believe there are no limits on the impact, or the influence, you can have on people, institutions, and practices that are in place. This year, I want to strengthen my influence by continuing to grow as a Christian, daughter, teacher, colleague, mentor, and friend. Our growth, my growth, is only stunted by the limits we put upon ourselves, or by limits we let someone else put on us. 

This year I am Going Beyond because I am Limitless.

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