Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tech Integration Goals

Yesterday I read about the 30 day blogging challenge for teachers from Teach Thought. The challenge is to answer a reflective teaching question everyday in September. I don't know how well I'm going to do with this challenge, but I'm a big believer in reflection so I'm going to give it my best shot. Here is my reflection for day 1 & 2 of this challenge.

My goals this school year center around tech integration. I did well with my students last year by having them tweet, blog, and use web based tools like Padlet. I attended ISTE this summer and came away with many new ideas and knowledge about new tools that I can't wait to try with my students. The biggest one for me is Augmented Reality. I've been wanting to incorporate this for awhile now and my district is currently working on the process for putting apps on our iPads. Many teachers in my PLN on Twitter use apps like Aurasma with their students, so I've read about how fun and effective AR can be in the classroom. One area I would use AR is in reading. For example, I could have my students create book reviews, make text to self connections, and make book comparison overlays in Aurasma. I can't wait to find ways to use it in other subject areas too. Any suggestions? 

If you're just learning about this blogging challenge, check out this list of 30 reflective teaching questions for each day in September. I forward to reading your goals and about tech tools you wish to incorporate into your clasroom too! 

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